Good interior design should go beyond visual and function solving.
It is about you. Your place is the extension of yourself, it tells who you are.

Approaching interior design holistically is to understand that the spaces in which we live affect how we live and how we feel.

As an architect and Interior designer, I tend to understand the true personality of the occupants and transform it into space.
I believe it is a way to have our inner and outer house in balance, in order to grow on a daily basis.

My role is to create a supportive and inspirational interior that is visually attractive, functional, and reflects the occupants. The design should have all elements which could affect mental, emotional and physical health.

The home should serve you, and not the other way around.
It’s no secret that transforming your outer environment highly reflects on your inner environment. These two segments are not separated but support one another.
They need to be in balance.
That’s exactly where productivity and creativity are born!

What do you get by having a holistic interior design project?



Get the complete research of your profile and personality – using Human Design helps us understand to which of the five personality types you belong. That reveals to us what are your true needs and potentials. Understanding the state of your personal space, you get to realize the inner-outer interaction and instructions on how to obtain an environment.



We’ll help you discover if there are any negative aspects in your home which can affect both your health and inner peace.



Highlighting a sensitive client-centered approach provides the complete Interior design documentation for your home makeover or new home design. Through concept, drawings, and 3D visualization, you’ll receive a proposal on how to create a supportive and inspirational interior that reflects the true personality of the occupants and help them prosper in their health, carrier, and relationships.



Construction plans and documentation are necessary for project execution. Schedule list of the built-in furniture, hard finishes, luminary, and sanitary list.

How does working with us look like?

Do you want a nicely designed, functional interior of your place, but above all authentic and based on your individual needs? After all, we are all unique and different. We deserve to live in places that can let us be imperfectly perfect, or better said – be our true selves!

It’s time to get your own place that reflects and supports the truest and best version of yourself!

Find out more

About me

I’m Tamara Gavrić, an Architect & Interior Designer who will prove you that our living or working places are so much more than visually attractive spaces, consisting only of design.

An individualized approach and a focus on getting to know my clients really well, rather than creating an interior that is more of a fashion statement or one that reflects a trendy style lead me to where I am. I create interior design that involve an understanding of life aspirations, lifestyle, and emotional health, and the specific needs of the clients.

You’ll probably realized that your living space often acts as a role model for what you would like to achieve or become. During my long experience with clients, I often heard that people don’t truly feel at home while living in their own houses. Many also said that their relationships and health have changed for the better once they’ve redesigned their living space in a manner that actually suits personalized needs. What my projects brought to clients was a fresh new start.

Let me help you create the best version of your home or work place, that will make it grow and nourish in all possible ways.

Ready to design your place according to your true needs?

Get in touch